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  • Protein patches boost cell signaling

    Protein patches boost cell signaling

    Today we report the design of a new class of protein material that interacts with living cells without being absorbed by them. These large, flat arrays built from multiple protein parts can influence cell signaling by clustering and anchoring cell surface receptors. This breakthrough could have far-reaching implications for stem…

  • Design of an ultrapotent COVID-19 vaccine candidate

    Design of an ultrapotent COVID-19 vaccine candidate

    Today we report in Cell (PDF) the design and initial preclinical testing of an innovative nanoparticle vaccine candidate for the pandemic coronavirus. It produces virus-neutralizing antibodies in mice at levels ten-times greater than is seen in people who have recovered from COVID-19. Compared to vaccination with the soluble SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein,…

  • David Baker awarded 2021 Breakthrough Prize

    David Baker awarded 2021 Breakthrough Prize

    The Breakthrough Prize Foundation today announced the winners of the 2021 Breakthrough Prize, recognizing an array of achievements in the Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics. The traditional gala award ceremony, attended by superstars of movies, music, sports and tech entrepreneurship, has been postponed until March 2021. David Baker, director…

  • Antiviral proteins block coronavirus infection in the lab

    Antiviral proteins block coronavirus infection in the lab

    Today we report in Science [PDF] the design of small proteins that protect cells from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In experiments involving lab-grown human cells, the activity of the lead antiviral candidate produced (LCB1) was found to rival that of the best-known SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies. LCB1 is currently…

  • Introducing Co-LOCKR: designed protein logic for cell targeting

    Introducing Co-LOCKR: designed protein logic for cell targeting

    In a new paper [PDF] appearing in Science, a team of IPD researchers together with colleagues at UW Medicine and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center demonstrate a new way to precisely target cells — including those that look almost exactly like their neighbors. They designed nanoscale devices made of synthetic proteins that target a therapeutic…

  • Annual Report 2020

    Annual Report 2020

    From our COVID-19 response to spinout highlights, we are pleased to present this overview of the progress made at the Institute for Protein Design during the past year. Annual Report 2020

  • De novo nanoparticles as vaccine scaffolds

    De novo nanoparticles as vaccine scaffolds

    IPD researchers have developed a new vaccine design strategy that could confer improved immunity against certain viruses, including those that cause AIDS, the flu, and COVID-19. Using this technique, viral antigens are attached to the surface of self-assembling, de novo designed protein nanoparticles. This enables an unprecedented level of control over the…

  • Dr. Berger selected for WE-REACH funding

    Dr. Berger selected for WE-REACH funding

      The Washington Entrepreneurial Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (WE-REACH) has announced its first awards to facilitate early-stage product development for two biomedical innovations. WE-REACH invests up to $200,000 per awarded project. Funding comes from the NIH with matching support from our partners at the Institute of Translational Health Sciences,…

  • Rosetta Commons Black Lives Matter Statement

    Rosetta Commons Black Lives Matter Statement

    Trigger warning: mentions acts of violence and racism We, as members of the Rosetta Commons, recognize the grief and frustration of many members of our community and reaffirm our commitment to the safety and dignity of Black lives. The past few months have been traumatic. The recent murders of George…

  • Introducing UWARN: The United World Antiviral Research Network

    Introducing UWARN: The United World Antiviral Research Network

    The newly formed United World Antiviral Research Network (UWARN) will bring together researchers from institutions in several countries to spot and confront emerging pandemic viruses. The network will provide surveillance for emerging pandemic viruses, develop urgently needed diagnostics and therapeutics, and expand understanding of viral immune responses, which is key to…